Many dogs suffer from an i

Many dogs suffer from an infestation of hookworms. 

This is a type of parasite that has a mouth that resembles a hook. This mouth is used to latch on to the walls of the intestinal tract within the dog. The parasites are relatively small - only measuring approximately one eighth of an inch in length. However, they are capable of pulling out an extremely large amount of blood from the vessels that are contained within the walls of the intestinal tract. If a dog has a large amount of hookworms within their body, it is highly possible for them to develop a condition known as anemia. While this condition has the capability of affecting dogs of all ages, younger dogs are the ones that are mostly susceptible.
Based on the current knowledge surrounding hookworms, there are four unique methods that a canine may become infected by these parasites. Many become infected while still in the placenta and others become infected as they consume their mother's milk. In addition to these methods of infection, a dog may become infected by hookworms through the mouth as well as through the skin. Regardless of the specific route that the parasites take, they can literally wreak havoc on the entire body of the dog. However, the most common complications occur within the digestive tract as well as the blood. There are many symptoms that a dog may experience if they suffer from hookworms. The following highlights the most common issues:
• Most dogs will start to display pale colors in the membranes - such as the gums.
• It is common for the pet to experience lethargy.
• The stool that is eliminated from the body of the dog that has hookworms is typically dark in color and the texture is typically described as being "tarry".
• The coat or fur of the animal will start to become dull in color.
• Many puppies that have this condition will experience complications associated with their overall growth.
• Gastrointestinal complications such as diarrhea and vomiting are extremely common among dogs that have contracted hookworms.
• The skin of the dog may become red and experience inflammation. You may find that the dog scratches at the skin consistently and sores develop which could bleed or become infected.

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Summer rolls around, or the winter break

Summer rolls around, or the winter break,

 and you're planning a getaway for your family and hopefully Buster Brown the family dog. Just as you would thorough prepare for your children, the same consideration goes for Buster. He deserves careful thought as well.

After all you want the trip to be enjoyable for him too, don't you? The first line of preparation is to look online to find "pet welcoming" and not just "pet friendly" hotels for that will accommodate the family and Buster Brown as a unit. Just remember there is a definite difference between "pet friendly" and "pet welcoming". When you actually call the potential hotel your clan will be lodging in, your gut instinct will immediately let you know if this is the place where you should or should not stay. Just listen for the tone of the voice of the other person on the end of the line when you ask about pet accommodations.

When you are bringing your children on a trip, you're going to naturally pack plenty of toys, video games, clothes and an emergency first-aid kit. Well Buster deserves to have his own "suitcase" too. His supplies should include dog food, waste bags, doggie bed and blanket, bottled water, seat-belt and a crate, plus any medical records, dog tags and necessary medications. When you children travel with you, do you always get a list of emergency hospitals nearby? Please do the same with Buster Brown, because emergencies can and often do happen, and it's always smart to be prepared. This could save the life of your child and your pet. All you have to do is keep this list in your phone or on your laptop that you'll be taking with you on vacation. It's as easy as that. Be sure to schedule time for several rest stops along the way so Buster can stretch his legs, along with the rest of the family.

Many hotels will happily accommodate both children and pets alike. They will often offer kid activities and sitting services, while you and your spouse spend some quality time alone. For Buster, there will sometimes be sitting services, along with day spa services too. Just remember that these amenities don't come free, and there will be a definite charge. But the extra money will be well spent, because it will make the trip more enjoyable for all parties involved. Call ahead and ask about the amenities and the costs/fees involved. See if you can reserve in advance, so when you actually get there, you're not stuck having to fill out forms at the front desk, while Buster and the rest of the family anxiously wait for you in the hotel lobby.


Many people have been misled t

Many people have been misled t

Many people have been misled to believe that their canine friend is completely colorblind, when in fact, they see more than black and white or grays. However, dogs do not see colors the way humans do, which is why the theory came about that they are colorblind. The color range that dogs see is limited, but they can see certain colors; so therefore, when you buy certain toys for your dogs, when you know the colors they can see, you can be sure to buy them in these colors.
So What Colors Can My Dog See?

Your dog sees mostly blues, yellows, and grays with reds, greens, and orange typically not being distinguishable to your pooch and may appear more blue, yellow, or dark gray. The retina in your dog's eyes is different from human retinas in that they contain two different types of photoreceptors, cones, and rods. Human eyes contain several types of cones, but canines have more rods and have no fovea, which is what helps with the vivid image colors that humans see.

This means that your dog has excellent night vision that is far superior to humans because their motion detectors are much keener than that of humans.
If you were to throw an orange ball or Frisbee on the green-colored grass, your dog may see it as yellow on yellow, but they can easily catch it because of the great motion detection that they have. If you want your dog to see the colors you see, then you would want to buy him blue or yellow toys, but if your furniture is green, he or she may see it as a yellow or blue. Remember, your dog only has two cones in each eye, while you have several, so his view of colors is very limited and not as keen as humans.

Colorblind indicates that the dog sees no color, which is not true. A person that is completely colorblind can only see shades of gray, similar to watching a movie in black and white, but your dog can see some colors. Earth tones are typically seen by dogs more in a gray fashion, so if you have brown carpeting, your dog does not see the brown, but more of a brown-gray. If you have green carpet, it may look yellow to your dog.

ou just brought your puppy home

ou just brought your puppy home a

nd he or she is more than cute, you just know they could never do anything wrong. That is until you leave the room and when you come back your cute little angel used your new carpet as his bathroom.

Some owners expect their puppy will automatically know where the bathroom is and will let you know when they have to "go." However, it simply doesn't work this way and if you get angry, scream, and yell you will only scare your dog so that he or she will not use the bathroom in front of you, they will use it in a hiding place inside the home. There is a much easier way and you can potty train your dog in three steps, but you have to be consistent.

Step one - decide where you want your puppy to potty, if it is in the yard, then you need to take him to the area several times a day. Keep in mind that puppies that are less than six months of age cannot hold their bladder for long periods of time. In fact, very young puppies can only hold their bladders for about 2 to 3 hours so you can expect to take your little puppy outside often, including during the night.
Step two - you need to get into a routine because dogs lean best by repetition, therefore, if you take your puppy out to potty after he eats, sleeps,

plays, and drinks, he or she will become accustomed to knowing when they need to go. Moreover, they will learn faster where they are supposed to potty, and you will have fewer accidents than if you are just taking the puppy outside when you remember.

en you are consistent and get into a routine.
Step three - praise your puppy when they do their business is the right area because this will let them associate that what they just did pleased you and they want to please you. Keep in mind, in the early days of housetraining, there will be accidents, you can count on it, but do not slap or spank your puppy, and they do not understand this and will learn to fear you. Also, never rub his or her nose in their urine because this will confuse them even more since they do not understand this concept.

Whether your dog is entering his twilight years

Whether your dog is entering his twilight years


 or you have recently adopted an older dog from a shelter, you will find that there tends to be an increase in the amount veterinary care that your pet needs. Just as humans do, dogs become susceptible to a broad array of illness when they get older, and if they are to maintain a high quality of life, regular visits to the veterinarian can help them do this. Take some time and be aware of some of the procedures and medications that your veterinarian might deem necessary for your dog to live comfortably.

Annual Physical Exam
As your dog gets older, make sure that you take him to the vet at least once a year. If your dog has been sickly or has been showing signs of poor health or fatigue, you may find that more frequent visits are in order. For some older dogs, having an exam twice a year is ideal. Make sure that you tell your veterinarian of anything you have observed in your dog or any changes you might feel are important. Your veterinarian may also want to give your dog an oral and rectal exam as well as give him an eye exam as well. Because many dogs develop things like cataracts and glaucoma as they get older, this will be essential.
Heartworm Disease Prevention

If you live in an area where heartworm disease is common, you will want to make sure that you are regularly giving your dog something that will prevent this heavily taxing disease from taking root. Talk to your doctor and make sure that you understand the dosage that is required along with the frequency by which you give it.

Vaccinations are another thing that you need to consider when you are thinking about the quality of veterinary care that is necessary for your dog. Vaccinations essentially help shore up your dog's immune system, and if you want to make sure that your dog is healthy and happy, keep his vaccinations up to date. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you as to what is appropriate and necessary